Driving in New Jersey can be very adventurous but at the same time keeping yourself and your passengers safe on the road is extremely important. So here are some driving tips for New Jersey drivers that you should consider before getting behind the wheels of your car.
6 Safe Driving Tips For New Jersey Drivers
1. Stay Focused
Distracted driving has become one of the most important issues these days and the most common mistake that people do is use their cell phones while driving. If it’s important to make a call pull off of the road.
Stay away from any type of distraction and make sure that you focus on the road while driving.
2. Wear Your Seat Belt
Seat belts are the best defense against aggressive and distracted drivers and it also helps to keep you safe and secure inside your vehicle. So, do yourself a favor and wear the seat belt as soon as you get in the car.
3. Avoid Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving is one of the most common reasons for fatal crashes on the road. Speeding, excessive lane changing and tailgating are all included in aggressive driving. So, follow all the traffic rules and also watch out for aggressive drivers and try to stay out of their way.
4. Drive Sober
Drink and drive is a BIG NO as it puts your and other’s lives at risk. If you are drunk, give your car’s keys to a sober friend. Also, according to the law, if you are intoxicated in NJ while driving, you can never apply for a personalized license plate.
5. Don’t Play The Speeding Game
Don’t play ‘beat the GPS’ and never challenge someone for street racing. It doesn’t matter how fast you are going or how faster the guy behind you is going.
Don’t be in a hurry, reaching your destination 5-10 minutes later is far better than putting your own life at risk.
6. Follow All The Traffic Rules
Last but not the least, follow all the regulations and road safety rules in New Jersey. Whether it be a car speed limit or breaking the red signal, be aware of the basic rules, and avoid breaking them.
With the number of vehicles increasing day by day on the road, it is important to be a safe driver. So, follow all the given tips and use them while driving in New Jersey.